May 16, 195 AC


(Sidefic series for the Death and the Dragon Arc)

By: Mel and Christy
Warnings: Angst?


Duo paced back and forth in the room Quatre had given him at the estate. A knock on the door got his attention, and he turned as Quatre opened the door and walked in.

"Duo, Instructor H got me Trowa's email contact. Do you want to mail him and ask? It's the only way we'll find out for sure."

Duo sat down shakily on the bed, and Quatre settled beside him. "Do you think he's dead, Q? I mean, I don't want anymore friends to die..."

"I don't know either way, for sure. Email him, Duo, and let's find out once and for all."


SENT: 22:10 May 16, 195AC
SUBJECT: Ummm...

---message begins---

Hey 03...

Ummm... this is 02. Actually my name is Duo, Duo Maxwell. I hope you don't mind, but Quatre's doctor got your email from your doctor. I saw you pick up Heero, that's 01, after he self destructed, and I was wondering. Um... please tell me he's not dead... He's okay, right? I mean, he has to be okay. He still has to pay me back for 'Scythe's parts that he stole, right? And even though I haven't known him long, he's like my best friend, you know? I don't want to lose another friend.

I'm here with Quatre at his desert place. You remember him, right, 04, small blond guy? You two worked together for a bit. He says 'hello' and wants to keep in touch with you. His current email is It'll go through a bunch of cut-outs, fiddles, etc and reach him with no problems. You can reach me at the above email address or at

Oh, and have you heard anything from that fifth pilot? He really has an attitude, doesn't he? Though, he was right.

Take care of yourself, and Heero.

Duo Maxwell

P.S. Hi! This is Quatre! Email us back, please. We worry. I really enjoyed the short time we got to spend together. Be careful and I hope you are well. ~ Quatre Winner

---message ends---


* * * * *

Trowa stepped out of the trailer's small bathroom, vigorously drying his hair with a towel. He walked into the tiny bedroom to check on his 'patient' and noticed his laptop beeping.


SENT: 23:05 May 16, 195AC
SUBJECT: Re: Ummm...

---message begins---

< < delete > >

< < delete > >

< < delete > >


Heero is here. He hasn't woken up yet, but he's strong. He'll be fine. I haven't heard anything from 05.

< < delete > >

< < delete > >

< < delete > >


Don't worry. I'm-
< < Delete > >


Don't worry. We're safe enough. I'll get in touch when I have anything new to tell you.

< < delete > >

-Trowa Barton

---message ends---


Trowa sighed, then glared at Heero. "Don't make a liar out of me, Heero. Hurry and wake up."


Gundam Wing



















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